

In order to determine comfortable and healthy environment values in industrial areas, it is very important to evaluate the temperature and humidity in the air separately and also correlatively.

The DRAGON dehumidifier maintains the ambient humidity and temperature within the ideal limits for the night and the day seperately, with heating and cooling automation, controlled air inlet and outlet only when necessary. Automation capability creates a difference between the inlet air and the outlet air and provides positive pressure inside the house, preventing the ingress of undesirable bacteria from outside and air at different temperature values. The air collected from both outside and inside environment is supplied to the use as dehumidified, filtered, disinfected in the desired ratio and thus, it provides an ideal environment that is sterile, healthy and comfortable, free from bacteria, odors and fungi.

Since the air that is processed and cleaned in the growing medium, will reduce the need for unknown humidity ratio and different temperatures of air to be taken from outside, serious economic savings will be provided in the heating and cooling expenses, and the drugs used in the fight against bacteria and fungi. The other and much more bigger benefit of this practice is that, it will save young animals life and prevent them from catching heat stress.



